Monday, July 26, 2010

Been there done that!

Geeezzz let me see, I think I've been here at least 1000 times before! LOL I'm lucky two things always stay in my mind. NEVER GIVE UP! & BELIEVE! That is the way I keep myself going. I'm pretty sure I've lost a 1000 pounds in my days too! LOL. Here I am again :) Lord have Mercy!!

I just went to the grocery store and stocked up on all good food! I know I have to do this because I'm heavier then I've ever been in my life :( Ya is sucks, but now it's time to S............ or get off the pot! I'm ready!! :) I find being on a weight loss journey can be easier then you think. The hard part is getting through the detox period! Dealing with the Mental part is far the hardest part of weight loss. I stumbled on to this site today and thought I'd try it out. I want to give a 110% because I'm going to be a Grandma for the first time in Sept. and I want to be around a long time to see him grow up. The rate I"m going that's not going to happen if I don't change!

I have high cholesterol, bulging veins in my legs, a gall bladder that needs to come out and a lot of pounds I'm tired of....Ugh. I'm really tired of everything being a chore! I carrying around this extra person on my back :( I have to be a strong person to do now I have take that strength and use it to my advantage. This is day one for me and God willing I'll make it through today. ....... . Just one day at a time .